Wednesday 12 October 2016

Why adreview team is important advertising companies?

Initially in the past, when there was no ad review team, there were no policies to restrict the ad banners on the publisher websites. The publisher used to place many popups, spamming and force the viewers or website visitors to click on the ads before seeking the information. It was a horrible experience for the visitors to gain access to information. How it is irritating and annoying for the visitors who came seek information on the publisher website.


There were around 3-5 clicks in order to view the information, and when you click on the ads you are getting yourself opening the doors for the spamming. This has lead to bad user experience for the visitors of the publisher's websites

To get rid of annoying ads, people started using the adblockers in late 2000's and from then the usage of the Adblockers has been increased drastically. Do you believe that the increase in the number of ad blocker users from 21 million in 2009 to 198 million on June 2015. Can you guess the loss for the advertising companies, how much it would have effected? The companies have lost around $22 billion dollars in 2015. It is estimated that by 2016, ad blocking will cost publishers nearly $41 billion.

The advertiser and publisher are worried about projected estimations, to avoid the website visitors from showing ad annoying ads, spamming the ads. to protect the visitor from bad user experience and to cut down the number of adblocker users, the advertising companies have come up policies or guidelines complying according to the IAB(Interactive Advertising Bureau) standards which are called the acceptable ads.

Ad review team in the advertising companies takes care of the policies or guidelines. Ad banners will be rendered only if the ad guidelines have met and the team will verify the creative and website guidelines. This team will ensure that viewers or visitors showing them clean ads without spamming, popups.

Happy browsing with acceptable ads!!!