Sunday 6 November 2016

What is an Ad Network?

Ad Network is a virtual marketplace for the advertisers and publishers to buy and sell the ads using Ad Technology. The main objective of the Ad Network is an aggregator of ad spaces available from the many publishers and then connecting those available ad spaces to the advertisers. It acts an intermediary between publisher and advertiser.

Publishers with high traffic will usually sell their remnant inventory to ad networks.

Examples of Ad Networks are Tribal Fusion(exponential), Google AdSense, Yahoo Ad Network.

There are different types of Ad Networks:
  • Blind Ad Networks
  • Vertical Ad Networks
  • Targeted Ad Networks

Blind Ad Networks

Blind Ad Network is a kind of network where the advertisers don't know where the ads are displayed. Usually, in the case of Blind Ad Networks buy remnant ad inventory in bulk from the big publishers and will sell that ad inventory to the advertiser for a low price. Hence, the advertisers don't know where the ads rendered. The disadvantage of the Blind Ad Networks is advertiser brand safety.

Federated Media, Gorilla Nation, Blogads

Vertical Networks

Verticals Ad Networks are the kind of network where the advertisers know where the ads are displayed on publisher websites.They have full transparency over where the ads are displayed. Usually, the ads will be displayed on the website similar to the advertiser website. For example, if the advertiser website falls under automobiles category, then advertiser ads are displayed on the Automobiles website.

The Travel Ad Network, GourmetAds, Good Health, Advertising

Targeted Ad Networks

In Targeted Ad Networks, ads are targeted based on the User's browsing history and also based on the contextual targeting. The likelihood of clicking an ad is too high because the ads are targeted based on Contextual targeting and Re-targeting.

Google AdSense, Yahoo! Publisher Network, AOL Advertising, Specific Media, Collective Media
  • It is a time-consuming process to evaluate in managing and allocation of ad inventory. It is difficult to forecast ad inventory which ultimately leads to overselling or underselling of ad inventory
  • Since the advertiser doesn't have full control over the ads to choose the best publishers and publishers cannot choose their best advertisers
Though the Ad Exchanges and DSP's came into the existence, Ad Networks have their own reputations.